Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tribute Tuesday with Alyssa Critters and a GIVEAWAY

Such a fun and adorable shop today for my Tribute Tuesday with Alyssa and her Etsy shop Alyssa Critters

Home of adorable crocheted octopus and jellyfish plush amigurumi...Alyssa has also offered one of her "critters" for a giveaway...please see the giveaway details after the interview.

Now let's discover Alyssa's creative story

Jumbo Octopus Amigurumi Plush
What is the first creative memory you have?

As a child, I would always love to make things, and one of my favorite things to do was try to create something instead of buying it. One of my birthday parties was held at home in our backyard and I was super excited to make sponge-painted t-shirts with all my friends! However, anyone who’s ever been in South Florida during September can guessed what happened next: torrential downpour! We moved all the stuff to the porch and I’ll never forget all the paint stains we made during that super fun day :P

What or whom began your creative journey on Etsy?

My grandma gave me all her old crochet and knitting supplies when I was in my last year of high school, and I taught myself how to use them with a combination of the books she gave me in Spanish and YouTube videos for some of the more tricky stuff. As any crafter knows, there comes a time when everyone you know is sick and tired of all the things you make for them! (; This coincided with lots of requests coming in from people that had seen my creations through someone else (one of those “my friend’s sister’s aunt’s cousin’s daughter’s best friend” kind of thing haha) and just had to have one! My eyes were opened to the fact that other people would love to have my creations in their lives, so I researched online venues that would allow me to sell my handmade goodness. The rest is history (;

How did you come up with your shop name?

I started my shop with the username “alyssacritt” just like I use everywhere else online because my full last name (Crittenden) is just too long. My shop started out with random crocheted items, pop-up cards, and beaded bracelets. Once I decided to focus on colorful creatures, I reevaluated my brand and ended up changing the name! (: I think the new name suits me much better, and everyone gets a kick out of the play on my last name.

Jumbo Rainbow Octopus

Describe what creations you have in your shop

I sell adorable crocheted critters called amigurumi, which is basically Japanese for knitted or crocheted stuffed animals. At various times I have sold cards and bracelets and other random goodies, but those are mostly on a whim. Eventually, I always realize the difficulty of selling certain goods online when the buyers can’t pick up the product themselves, and then I decide to stick with adorable plushies!

Jellyfish Amigurumi Plush
What inspires you?

Like any other crafters, one of the most inspiring things is taking a trip to the craft store! I love to ride my bike to the local Jo-Ann’s and browsing the ENTIRE store! Sometimes you can find supplies in a section that you would’ve never thought to look in and find a new and unexpected purpose for a fun product!

What do you listen to or watch while creating?

I listen to a lot of old music, but my favorite genre is 80’s music. Hey, I was alive for four months of ’89 so that’s allowed, right? :D When I am alone, I usually have music on while I am creating. But when I am spending time with my little brother or the two kids I babysit, I often crochet while watching cartoons with them like Phineas and Ferb and Avatar the Last Airbender.

Please share a favorite recipe

One of my favorite recipes is a microwave chocolate cake that I discovered fairly recently! I mean, it only has seven ingredients (one of which is Nutella!) in practically microscopic proportions that you can mix in a microwave-safe bowl and then three minutes later you have a tiny, delicious chocolate cake! :D I created this simple graphic to explain the recipe. I love to top it with fresh whipped cream or serve it with ice cream.

Basically, you mix these ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl:
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp oil
4 tbsp Nutella
3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
4 tbsp flour
Microwave for about 3 minutes. You can cut into it to check if it is done because microwaves vary (:

Where else can we find you?

I created a Facebook fan page for my shop where I post coupons, new creations, and interesting things from around the web: www.facebook.com/alyssacritters

And I’m on Twitter, of course! www.twitter.com/alyssacritters

I have a blog (sort of) at www.alyssacritt.tumblr.com and www.alyssacritters.tumblr.com where I post things that I make, some of my Instagram photos, and funny or interesting things that I find.


One large octopus in your choice of color!!!

NOW TO ENTER...please remember you do not have to do all of the entries...but the more you do the more chances you have at winning!!! Good luck :)

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/3a999e67/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a neat giveaway, great shop!

    1. Thanks for checking her out Mohala...I love her little critters!!!

  2. I would choose dark green, and it'd be for me, because I am greedy like that (okay, okay, I MIGHT let my kids play with him. Maybe.) :P

    1. It's ok to be greedy for yourself! They are so adorable...my son has a bright green one and my daughter has a bright pink one. I personally might need to get me the rainbow colored one :) Thanks so much for checking out her shop and creative story!

  3. I would choose the greenish blueish one and it'd be for a friends baby who will be here soon :)

    1. Thanks so much Sally for showing Alyssa Critter's some love!!! And I love that you would gift it for a new baby :)

  4. I don't know. I really can't decide. The pastel ones that are out look really cute!

    Ok, I am giving it to my pillow...HAHAHA it can do with a pet octo of its own!

    1. It is hard to decide...they are all so CUTE! Thanks aqua for checking out Alyssa's critters :)

  5. LOL- that jack-o-lantern one in Alyssa's shop has me cracking up! I'd have her surprise me with a color and I'd save it for my little Dexter (he's 1) for Christmas.

    1. Ooooooooo...a surprise color would be FUN! Thanks so much for showing Alyssa's critters some love :)

  6. I'd love a little purple one! It could sit on the shelf in my craft room and supervise! :)

    1. What a great little supervisor that would be :) If only they could lend a helping hand (or 8) ;) Thanks for checking out Alyssa's creations!

  7. Ah heck- I'd request a blue one for Jax, and then I'd have to buy another one for Mason- probably in blue as well. Can't just have ONE in this household! :) Fun interview Amy!

    1. Well absolutely both of your boys would need one ;) Thanks for showing Alyssa some love!

  8. I have been a fan of your octapi for a while now - they are just adorable! Definitely the blue - they are so cute! But I may have to keep that one for myself & let my toddler pick her own color so we both have one ...

    1. And of course both of you need one too! I keep thinking I need to order myself the rainbow colored one since both of my kids have one. Thanks for checking our Alyssa's creative story :)


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