Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

I am honored and thrilled to have been recognized with the

from Pamela Joyce! She has a variety of charming home decor items in her Etsy shop...I love this handpainted sign! Thank you Pamela for choosing me, fAveritte creations!

I'm fairly new to the blogging world, but from what I understand, this is an awesome way to promote your blog and possibly meet other cool and creative bloggers. Well, I'm so happy to pass it on to 5 other bloggers! It is awarded to bloggers with less than 200 followers, and this is how it works:

1. Post the award on your blog

2. Show thank to the one who chose you by linking back to them

3. Reveal your 5 picks for the award and let them know

4. Kick back, give yourself a pat on the back, and feel the love from the other supportive bloggers in the blogosphere

5. Share the love, love, love!

AND THE AWARDS GO TO:(drumroll please...seriously I want you to drumroll while you are reading this...seriously :)

1. Vicky & David from Vivid!

2. Heather from Fruitful Delights!

3. Robin from The Little Black Dog Blog!

4. Lauren from Window by the Sea!

5. Jennifer and Melissa from The Vintage Honey Shop!

CONGRATULATIONS and share the love!


  1. You rock, Amy!! Thanks so much! Can't wait to pick my bloggers and pass the love on! :D

    1. Thanks Robin! You are welcome and have fun passing it on and sharing the love :)

  2. Congrats to you!!!!! What a cool idea- and a great way to spread the love. Enjoy your day Amy!

  3. Amy!!! Congratulations and Thank you for sharing the Liebster Love!! Sorry it took me all day to get back to you...crazy toddlers...enough said, tehehe.

    1. You are so welcome and I have a crazy toddler boy myself! And I must say I am looking forward to when you start selling your raspberry lemonade jam...I want a jar when it becomes available! Sounds so good!


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