Monday, April 16, 2012

Mommy Monday with Our Love Story

Tomorrow, April 17th marks five amazing years with my husband John...well 3 years married and 5 together. We planned our wedding date to be the same day as the day we recognized as our first day as a couple. It has made it sooooo much easier to remember both dates :) Smart planning on our part!

We have a unique love story and I would love to share it with you all today...welcome to the crazy love story of John and Amy! The shortened version. And just a WARNING...we rarely take serious photos together. have been warned.

Single, crazy, drunken nights with my college bestie(let's call her Jack)...and one of those nights she mentioned to me that she knew someone I would be perfect with. BUT...he lived in California and I lived in Colorado at the time. John was in the Air Force with her brother and she had met him a few times. She told me we would be perfect for each other because we are both so crazy!

I scoped John out on her Myspace page and thought he was pretty darn cute...but I didn't expect anything at all to happen. How would it with us being so far apart? But Jack was consistent and kept telling me John and I needed to somehow meet...well why not call him while we are drinking? That's always a great idea right? She handed me her phone and I waited...not sure what to say. Well I got John's voice mail and the only thing that came to my mind to say was, "Your third nipple is in the mail!" WTH was that? Remember though...I am a little crazy.

Well that silly voicemail started us off to texting each other just random things. I still wasn't planning on this going anywhere but just friends from far away places that never meet. And come to find out he had moved from California to Tennessee. We soon started talking...and it was amazing to get to know John strictly through conversation. Those many, many, many long talks I hold so dear...we learned so much about each other.

We talked for a few strange to be falling in love with someone you have never seen or met in person. Well John said those dreadful words that I feared: "How about I come out to Colorado for a visit so we can meet and see where this is going?" I was terrified!!!

So I am waiting for him at the Denver airport...scared that he will think I'm ugly...scared he maybe backed out and didn't get on his flight...scared. Nervous. Excited. When we saw each other it was like he had just been gone for a weekend trip. We hugged and I knew I was hugging my best friend.

His visit was supposed to only be a week. The long 4 hour car trip to the airport for him to fly back to Tennessee was emotional and confusing. We had discussed trying out the long distant relationship with him in Tennessee and me in Colorado...and see where we were in 6 months. It was the first week in June and snowing! Well snowing in the Rocky Mountains in June isn't too rare. Every flight was cancelled but I took that as a sign that he needed to go back to TN and we would figure this out. We had joked about him staying. Joked. His flight never got cancelled but was delayed. I had already left for my drive back.

He kept calling me everytime it would get delayed...and then all of sudden he said, "Turn around. Come get me. I am staying." I had no doubts in my gut that I needed to turn around and go get my soul mate. The funny thing is his bag already was on the plane so poor John was left with the clothes he had on.

Friends, family, co-workers, college classmates etc...thought we were so crazy!!! John stayed in Colorado for me and left everything behind in Tennessee. They all thought we were crazy until they saw us together and then it all made sense. So many times I have heard your story is so unique and you two are perfect for eachother.

Well I say after 5 years...we still are perfect for eachother. I love you John and I am looking towards the next 100 years together.


  1. Very cool "glimpse" into the life behind the artist. I hope "Jack" was at least a bridesmaid! :) Thanks for sharing the story and photos Amy. AND Happy Anniversary to you and the hubster! I hope you find time to celebrate a bit. (You WOULD have to put down the fabric and step away from the computer though... can ya do it?) :) Happy day to you!!!!!

    1. Thanks Cheri...we are hoping to celebrate this weekend. Just a little dinner and hanging out...nothing too fancy!

  2. happy anniversary. thanks for sharing your sweet love story. made my day!

    1. Thanks Lisa...and thanks for reading our crazy story :)

  3. kisment. i love a good love story :) congrats on your anniversary. live, laugh and many more years of love!

  4. ...what a crazy story! Happy anniversary!


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