Monday, July 30, 2012

Meet Monday with Crocheting for Baby

Let's meet Lauren and her Etsy shop Crocheting for Baby for our Meet Monday!!!

A little bit of handmade love for baby...and a little bit of handmade love for mommy! Let's discover Crocheting for Baby.

Crochet Newborn Wrap or Hammock
What is the first creative memory you have?

My first creative memory is crafting with my mom. She is so creative and she always had a craft for us to work on.

What or whom began your creative journey on Etsy?

I never knew about Etsy until my cousin opened up a shop and was telling everyone about it. As I was browsing around I thought, hey...maybe I can start a shop too! I was pregnant with my daughter then and was starting to get back into crocheting.

How did you come up with your shop name?

My shop name came about when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was crocheting lots of baby items. They are my favorite! All those tiny hats, booties, just makes me smile. That's how the shop name crocheting4baby came about. I occasionally will list some things for us grown ups but I try to stick to children's items.

Boo Boo Monster

Describe what creations you have in your shop

I mainly have crochet hats for lots of ages and photo props for infants. I love getting to see all the itty bitties in my creations! It's starting to give me baby fever now that my little one is three!

What inspires you?

My daughter for sure. Sometimes my friends will ask if I can create something for them {the football hat was one request} so I try. If it works out, I list it!

Crochet Flower Earwarmer Headband
What do you listen to or watch while creating?

The only music I get to listen to is Laurie Berker & Raffi {children's artists}. When my little one is sleeping I will put on Adele or watch my millions of shows I need to catch up on that I have on the DVR. Some of my fave shows are Desperate Housewives {so sad it's over}, GCB, Touch, Switched at Birth. Sad to say I am addicted to Teen Mom and get suckered into watching Jersey Shore with the hubby. BAD!

Please share a favorite recipe

Ok, this is the ALL TIME BEST recipe for alfredo sauce {but it's probably so bad for you!} I use the recipe just as written and it is perfect every time!

Where else can we find you?

You can find me a few places around the web:
Twitter {although it's mainly for my blog}:

Football Hat or Beanie

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