Sunday, July 8, 2012

Salutations Sunday with The Vica Girl

After a FUN week off from blogging.....let's jump right back in and shout out your salutations for VaLon and her Etsy shop The Vica Girl!

Upcycled or recycled creations from a former life into a beautiful piece of art for the modern eco - concerned; VaLon's unique creations would make the perfect one of a kind gift.

Enjoy 10% off your purchase from her Etsy shop with coupon code: 10FEATURE

What is the first creative memory you have?

I remember when I was younger I use to get nearly the whole month of December off of school. Every day my Mother and I would do a craft, anything from cooking, to painting decorations, to coloring, all in the spirit of Christmas. It was really fun and helped the Christmas season more meaningful.

What or whom began your creative journey on Etsy?

I had been making jewelry out of hardware, a favorite thing I was familar with going to architecture school. I was enjoying it and had a couple of friends tell me I could sell them. I then made something for my best friend, and she told me I could sell on etsy. I checked it out and have loved it ever since.

How did you come up with your shop name?

I have a lot of other accounts that use the same name, and wanted to be consistant. But, when I first came up with it, I was in a club at school that I loved. They were going through a name change, it use to be VICA, but is now SkillsUSA. I was one of the most active member in school, so thought that theVICAgirl would be fun.

Describe what creations you have in your shop

I have lots of jewelry. I like to make it out of things that you would normally just throw away, such as a vaccum belt, or dead phones. My current passion is for outdated computer disks and other hardware. I also have, for those a little less adventurous the scarp pieces from architecture models that I edit in such a way as to make beautiful.

What insprires you?

Everything. I really enjoy building and architecture. Any sort of structural work. I am also inspired by my materials. Sometimes they just demand to be displayed in a certain way.

What do you listen to or watch while creating?

I can't watch anything, too distracting, but I do enjoy music. Any sort of music really, from pop to broadway to spiritual. I also will listen to books on CD sometimes.

Please share a favorite recipe 

Banana Dog. It works best on a hot dog bun, but I grew up just having it on bread. You take your bun, smother it with peanut butter, then cut up a banana so it fits nicely on a bun. Sometimes I make two at a time because of the size of the banana. You put the banana in the middle, like you would a hot dog, and then you eat. It goes nicely with potatoe chips.

Where else can we find you?

Twitter at
Blog at

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