Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome Wednesday with a GIVEAWAY!!!

Here is my first Welcome Wednesday post where I will be featuring an Etsy shop every Wednesday. I am starting with my shop fAveritte creations and I will also be doing a $15 gift certificate giveaway to my shop! I will announce the winner on Wednesday, Feb. 8th. Please see how to enter at the end of this post under "read more"...super easy to enter!

Welcome Wednesday with fAveritte creations

What is the first creative memory you have?
For me it was making mud pies and painting our childhood tree house with the mud. I would use tree limbs as my paint brushes. I also hung up some gunny sack curtains out of old grain bags.

What or whom began your creative journey?
I found out I was pregnant with my first child and wanted to create his nursery decor. I received a cute fleece blanket with bright primary colors and friendly monsters...this sparked the inspiration for his decor. I made everything from his mobile to his bumper pad to wall decor and even some stuffed monster dolls. I also made a prayer flag with monsters on it and a fellow student suggest I check out Etsy and market my flags on there. So I did and here I am :)

How did you come up with your shop name?
My married last name is Averitte...we have to tell many people how to pronounce it. "It's like favorite without the f." So I stuck the f in front of Averitte and came up with fAveritte creations!

Describe what creations you have in your shop?
I have many, many silly creations...and over half of my shop is custom products. I create alot of superhero/robot inspired pj and tooth fairy pillows for boys; I create custom peace sign pillows and ladybug pillows for girls that match their bedroom deocor; earrings; custom prayer flags for kids bedrooms to match their decor; many unique toys like a dinosaur or caterpillar stick hobby horse; birthday party fabric goody loot bags and the list goes on...numerous unique creations for the young and young at heart.

What inspires you?
Everything that is bright and colorful and silly! I love loud patterns on fabric and coordinating them together. Many of my sons coloring books, clothes, reading books and toys also inspire the kid in me to flow out into most of my creations. My husband also has a great talent for whipping out fun and creative drawings...many of my items facial expressions are inspired by some of his silly drawings.

What do you listen to or watch while creating?
I either have an old sitcom on like Wonder Years or Everybody Loves Raymond (that is if my son is not watching Sesame Street or Thomas)...or I will listen to anything accoustic. City and Colour, Iron and Wine, Ray LaMontagne...just to name a few.

Please share a favorite recipe
I LOVE me some Frog Eye Salad!

Where else can we find you?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Triton, my oldest, would love the pillow that holds books, he is constantly hoarding books on his top bunk for bedtime. What a great way to have him keep them in a safe place.


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