Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tottin' Thursday with my 'Lil Song Beans

Welcome to the first Tottin' Thursday!!! Tottin' Thursday is all about sharing stories about my 'lil man The Beans. The Beans will be 3 on July 1st...sniff...sniff...

The Beans has had "music in his soul" and a "song in his heart" since he first was aware of his own movements!!! He dances non - stop! We have taught him some groovy moves from the lawn mower, sprinkler and the running man...but let me tell ya...he definitely has the moves like Mick Jagger :)

When The Beans was still being cooked, I would put my headphones on my belly for his listening pleasure while I napped. Ahhhhhhhh...pregnancy naps. One of the best things about pregnancy. Well your first pregnancy when you can nap and do not have to stay awake to look after another human. I would just have him jam out to whatever randomly played on my MP3 player...anything from Johnny Cash, Black Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band, Shinedown, Michael Buble, Imogen Heap, Manchester Orchestra to name a few. I never looked to deeply into any of the studies about babies listening to music in the womb...I just thought if he could actually hear inside there...he may like something to wiggle to!

I constantly sang to him. Rocking him. Bathing him. On our stroller walks around the neighborhood. Scooping food into his mouth. Constantly. I love music and was hoping that he would love music too! I sang everything from the current pop songs on the radio to some good 'ol nursery rhymes. I wanted him to learn nursery rhymes because I loved singing them in school. LOVED IT!

Well now after almost 3 years of constant singing and music...The Beans has finally started to sing whole entire songs! For the past couple of months I noticed him trying to sing with songs...and I am proud to say the first longer song he learned is "I Will Wait" from Mumford & Sons(I am a little obsessed with them).

He started singing nursery rhymes on his own...his favorites are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Itsy Bitsy Spider. He sings out his ABC's and songs from his favorite programs. It seems like overnight he just started singing them to us without us trying to prompt him.

BUT HIS MOST FAVORITE OF ALL non other then Old MacDonald. And let's just say this kid belts it from his gut! Which leads me to the main reason for this post...while grocery shopping the other day The Beans was loudly singing Old MacDonald. He had his own twist on it though...the animal on the farm was a bear. A bear?! Where in the world did he hear that?

While he was belting it out aisle to aisle...I was racking my brain trying to think of what movie or video he could have heard them singing as a bear on the farm. I couldn't think of one and instantly was so proud of my 'Lil Song Beans using his big 'ol bubble head(yes he really does have a big head!) and using his imagination to add his own twist to a familiar song.

I loved that he was singing but was trying to get him to sing just a little bit softer...but he wasn't having it. I am talking down right belting it out. Not screaming or yelling...but like opera singing belting it out! Complete with a "RAWR RAWR HERE" with his hands up like claws.

People were staring and smiling. Some laughing. Kids pointing.

Down one aisle a little elderly lady came up to our cart to tell me that my son had just made her afternoon. She has been behind us for quite a few aisles and was actually grocery shopping with a smile on her face because my little boy was so happy! Talk about GUSH!!! So I quit asking him to sing quieter...he was bringing joy and smiles to the grocery store :)

So next time you hear a youngster belting out their favorite song...just let them be. It is a beautiful thing. Truly.

Do your kids belt out any songs in public?

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