Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Welcome Wednesday with Glad to Meet Me!

Welcome to my first Welcome Wednesday of has been awhile! Welcome Wednesdays will be dedicated to featuring other handmade artisans and having them answer a few questions so you can take a look into their creative brain. If you yourself have a handmade shop and would like to be featured...please shoot me an email and I will send you all of the questions and information I need.

This Welcome Wednesday will be a little different...first off it will be about me...and I want to make it a little different because I can! Hey I am the one running this show right? I thought it would be fun to invite you all to learn a few quirky things about me. Me as a mother. Me as a human being. Me as a creator. Following are a few little factoids about get ready. My name is Amy...nice to meet me!

Five Things About Me as a Mother(well in my household I am called either "Mom - Mom" or "Momma")

  1. I am grateful for everyday with my son(The Beans) and my step-daughter(Hermadine)...see what I did there? Used their fun nicknames :) I experienced a few miscarriages(which I will be sharing my story with you someday soon) and never, ever thought I would become a mother to a child I carried. But with an awesome Doc that I put all of my faith in(PLUS he has the same humor my hubster and I have)...I was blessed with The Beans on July 1st of 2010. A day that has changed and shaped my life forever.
  2. Every. Single. Day. I just watch The Beans. A few times during the day as a matter of fact...his good 'ol creepy momma quietly stands outside of his bedroom watching him play. I soak in the way he lies on the ground as if to be at the same eye level with his millions of plastic toy animals. I study his facial expressions. I watch his small fingers trace letters in his books while he reads to me in his almost 3 year old voice. I hold his toddler feet in my hands and am amazed that my body helped to create those 10 scrumptious pickles(toes). I just take his spirit and gobble it up. These images are literally burned in my mind. No snapping of pictures can capture what I get to view. Every. Single. Day.
  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE introducing new things and experiences to Hermadine. Just this week she had her first indoor picnic on a blanket in the living room floor and we shared an artichoke. She thought it was rather stinky...but said she had fun plucking the leaves off, dipping them in butter and scraping the "meat" off with her teeth.
  4. I slightly neglect some of the housecleaning. Slightly. Well...laundry may stay unfolded for a few days in a basket on the couch...and I don't clean up the kitchen every single night. I just don't. And I don't wanna!!! Housework will still be there in the morning...but moments with my babies will be gone in a blink of an eye.
  5. One of my favorite times of day is in the wee early hours of the morning. The little pitter patter of The Beans feet walking into our bedroom is so assuring. The sound assures me that I am blessed. We may not have a lot or money...but I am blessed because for about 30 minutes I will get one-on-one snuggle time with my little man. Well not exactly one-on-one...there is of course all of The Beans babies: his lovey dog Buster, his elephant from the zoo, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Melman the giraffe from Madagascar, Pooh Bear, a tiger, a larger elephant...I think that is it. I need to get him a wagon to drag his babies around!

Five Things About me as a Human Being

  1. I down right loathe touching raw meat! I will create make shift gloves out of plastic baggies so I do not have to touch it. You will hear many a "YUCK", "EWWWWW", "GROSS" etc...from our kitchen during dinner time.
  2. I have an obsession with the entire series of The Office. I have watched all of the seasons, except for the final season on Netflix a butt load of times. Yes a butt load! "That's what she said!" Sorry...I had to :)
  3. I don't like drinking water. Plain and simple. I just think it is so bland and gross. I recently have been trying to at least drink about 20 oz of water a day...but I have to squeeze quite a bit of lemon in it for me to swallow it down my gullet!
  4. I am a hoarder. A hoarder of chap sticks and lip glosses. I literally have over 100. Why you may ask? Well let me tell ya...I need every new flavor every single brand comes out with OK?!?
  5. I have a soft spot for animals. I will literally(almost literally) swerve into the other lane to dodge a fuzzy caterpillar, squirrel, possum, buzzard, snake, turtle........but I will kill the crap out of a spider!!! The crap!!! Well any that are larger than say a speck of salt!

Five Things About Me as a Creator

  1. I am the designer, fabric shopper, customer service, fabricator, marketing agency, sewer, shipping department, postal delivery driver, photographer, bookkeeper...I DO IT ALL for fAveritte creations!!!
  2. My brand is named fAveritte creations because my last name is Averitte(pronounced like the word favorite without the f)...well I threw a f in front of it. fAveritte creations
  3. I know in my heart and soul why I create mainly childrens items. Giving a child pure joy is one of the grandest feelings in the world. It gets me all choked up actually. I also know it is because growing up...some of my BFF's were my toys and stuffed animals.
  4. I hoard my scraps. Hoard big time!!! I have totes full. I have a gazillion plastic bags full. Someday I will use them. I have design plans...just need more time. Very small scrap pieces I blend in a mix with my polyfil stuffing to help recycle.
  5. I use a washi tape on most of my packaging. I use this because one: washi tape designs and colors are fabulous...two: washi tape is reusable!!! So when you receive an order from me...pull that beautiful piece of tape off of the cellophane and go use it to create a card...or as a label...or wrap around your favorite pen...the opportunities are endless!

So there you have it...ME! 

I would love to hear some of your factoids...please share them in the comments below!

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