Friday, August 17, 2012

Fun Friday with Finger Crafts

I found some funny "finger drawings" on Pinterest the other I thought why not have this Fun Friday be about "finger crafts." Enjoy :)

The ever classic finger puppets!!! Check out Oh Baby for these cute puppet patterns!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...edible finger paints from Martha Stewart! Do they come in chocolate and Dr. Pepper flavor for me? I wouldn't get any painting done...

What the heck?!? Finger knitting!?! I had no cool...from Housing a Forest

Finger Friends from favecrafts...holey moley spicy guacomole these are AWESOME!!!

Can you say INGENIOUS!!! There was no link to this picture to give credit for...but it looks like you take a piece of blank paper, squirt some finger paints on the paper, using painters tape you tape over some plastic wrap over the paper and have mess free finger painting!!!

And finally...what inspired this post today...the cutest finger drawings you may ever see!!! And creative too...check out a gallery of creative finger drawings at bit rebels for your inspiration!!! ***Warning...a few of the finger drawings in the gallery may not be suitable for some children...I recommend browsing through it first to determine which ones you would like your kids to see***


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